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Here is the post on her site:
On my first episode, Dawn Del Russo has kindly agreed to Shoot the Schmitt with me. Dawn is a Fashion and Lifestyle Expert rocking out social media for her business. We originally met through YouTube as she has posted more than 600 videoson her channel with tips, tricks, and great products to check out.
She’s not only an online rockstar blogging at My Intimate Affair with Fashion. She’s also the published author of 101 Glam Girl Ways to an Ultra Chic Lifestyle: A Cheeky Book with Tidbits of Advice for a Glamorous Lifestyle (aff.) and an On-Air Personality sharing fashion and style tips on many different television stations (including The Weather Channel with Al Roker which we talk about at the beginning of the episode).
This is GeekBeat.TV from Cali Lewis & the Livid Lobster group. She reported that the TV industry is wanting to get more social without having to put more man power in. New tools have come out to assist the Television broadcasting industry to do this but is it to little to late? TV has to adapt. A lot of media is & content nowadays solely exists online. Just like GeekBeat.TV currently social media is where its at and it Television doesn’t go with the flow then it will get left in the stone age. The WWE accepted twitter & facebook last year to stay interactive.